Topic: More & more people want to buy famous brands with clothes, cars and other items. What are the reasons? bởi you think it is a positive or negative development?

Type of question: 2 part-question: REASONS? POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE DEVELOPMENT?


To show off their social status and have a good impression on others.The First Lady of the USA often wears famous brands so that people would show more respect to lớn her and her husband.They can make sure that the products that they buy are of excellent quality.People are getting richer/wealthier than ever before so that they are able to afford luxurious/high-end products.People tend lớn live a more material-oriented life; are more inclined towards a materialistic life.Famous brands use advertisements & commercials to create a trend in which people want khổng lồ imitate famous people by possessing what they wear/have.

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Create jobs: people spend more => create jobs => boost the economy.Other less famous brands might have to lớn invest more money in improving technology & design…to compete with more famous brands => reduce the price and increase the quality of the products => benefit consumers


Widen the gap between the rich and the poor
Develop materialism in society => increase demand among poor adolescents => breed more crimes
People tend to lớn judge others by their appearance

TOPIC: More và more people want khổng lồ own famous tên thương hiệu cars, clothes và other items. What are the reasons for this? Is this a negative or positive trend?

In the era of modernization và globalization, more people want khổng lồ possess famous tên thương hiệu cars, clothes and other items. This trend may be explained by the high quality of these products as well as consumers’ extreme desire lớn be successful in life. However, in my point of view, people’s appetites for owning lavish items may have an adverse influence on our society.

Many reasons can be given to explain the rapid increase in the number of clients using famous brands. People purchase thương hiệu products because top-ranked labels often have a luxurious, sophisticated & unique appearance. Such products can not only give the owners a strong sense of confidence towards other people but also bring them chances lớn present their prosperity và social status. High-class products, such as Rolex watches or Louis Vuitton hand bags, are also usually made by high-skilled craftsmen và of excellent quality, which would allow the owners of these items khổng lồ enjoy using them for many years without paying money for repairs.

I believe that this trend has a negative impact on our families as well as on our society. Some people purchase a well-known brand not because they need it but because it is trendy. For example, lots of young middle-class people in Vietnam spend a great giảm giá of money which might be equal to lớn three times of their average monthly salaries on the latest model of i
Phone when their old phones are still perfectly functional. This may put their future financial security at risk. Moreover, this trend is likely lớn increase in developing countries where aspirational customers tend to lớn emulate the symbol of higher classes, resulting in the fact that the belongings that people have are likely khổng lồ be considered a more important factor than who they really are.

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In conclusion, the growing consumption of brand name products might be explained by their luxurious appearance, uniqueness and excellent quality, and I believe that this tendency is disadvantageous khổng lồ our families & society in certain important ways.

(333 words)


1. Era of modernization and globalization: thời đại/kỷ nguyên của tân tiến hóa và trái đất hóa2. Desire to be successful in life: khao khát thành công xuất sắc trong cuộc sống

3. Appetite for owning lavish items: thèm ao ước sở hữu các mặt hàng xa hoa, đắt tiền.4. Have an adverse influence on our society: có một hậu quả nặng nài nỉ lên thôn hội.5. A strong sense of confidence towards others: cảm giác sáng sủa trước mặt tín đồ khác

6. To present prosperity và social status: diễn đạt sự phong lưu và vị thế xã hội

7. High-skilled craftmen: thợ thủ công bằng tay tay nghề cao

8. Are of excellent quality: chất lượng cực tốt

9. Trendy: thời thượng, theo xu thế

10. Middle-class people: lứa tuổi trung lưu

11. Put their future financial security at risk: đẩy khả năng tài chính của họ vào bờ vực nguy hiểm

12. Aspirational customers: các tín đồ, những người dân khao khát hy vọng có một món sản phẩm nào đó

What is Dior’s marketing strategy? Unlike sale that can be used for other brands, marketing for luxury brands is focused on a specific audience. And the principal value is exclusivity. This type of kinh doanh strategy is well known lớn Dior, one of the most influential brands in the world. So, khổng lồ understand its greatness in haute couture, we will explain Dior’s sale strategy in this post.

Also, it’s worth noting that this company’s marketing, apart from being focused on clothing items that make immediate reference lớn this brand, has been more focused on luxury beauty. Dior has been able to lớn take advantage of so much from its strategy. So much so that its truyền thông media Impact Value ™ is at a higher màn chơi than that of its competitors. 

Dior kinh doanh Strategy

As time has passed, many luxury brands have decided to launch a makeup line. This is a way lớn reach different consumers at a more affordable price. Apart from this strategy, we will mention the most outstanding ones:

Bulk beauty


Thanks khổng lồ Dior’s sale strategies, through its campaigns in recent years, it has achieved a great impact on social truyền thông (